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English Public Speaking

来源: 发布日期:2020-10-23 浏览次数:
学院 外国语学院 课程负责人 常虹

 课程名称:English Public Speaking

主讲教师:Hong Chang

所在学院:School of Foreign Studies

课程团队:Rui Liu、Xiangjing Chen、LI Ying 、DONG Yanyun、JI Le、ZOU Haojing、Xi Qian


This course aims to offer learners a comparatively panoramic survey of English public speaking, elaborating and practicing the fundamental skills of an orator, by covering the formats and skills of basic genres of English public speaking (mainly informative speech, persuasive speech, and impromptu speech). The course also helps the learners to improve their critical thinking skills and cross-cultural communication awareness.

Public speaking is so important that it could be the deciding factor in the academic arena, career development, and business growth etc. Hopefully, learners can also broaden their visions and culture related domains by extensive reading and active participation in the unit discussions and interactions with the teachers and other learners of the course.

地址及电话:西安交通大学兴庆校区教学主楼1304#  029-82665422